Dedicated By Pete Davis

Todays countless options make the act of commitment harder than ever. Pete Davis argues that committing deeply to a particular thing is a more fulfilling path. We want to keep our options open, and yet we yearn for the purpose, community, and depth that can only come from making deep commitments.




• Death controls the length of our days. But we control the depth of our days. Commitment is about choosing to pursue—in the face of our limited length—boundless depth.

Com-means “with” and pan-means “bread,” a companion is “one who breaks bread with another.

• We should focus less on making the right decisions, and more on making sure our decisions turn out right.

• “The line of progress is never straight. For a period a movement may follow a straight line and then it encounters obstacles and the path bends. It is like curving around a mountain when you are approaching a city. Often if feels as though you were moving backwards, and you lose sight of your goal: but in fact you are moving ahead, and soon you will see the city again, closer by.” -MLK

• The most important simplicity that committed people can cultivate is the simplicity of trusting one’s inner voice rather than being pushed around by the opinions of others.

• Gardening is a great metaphor for commitment. When we plant a garden, we dedicate ourselves to doing a lot of work without immediate gratification—all with hope in some beautiful bounty that may (or may not) emerge at some point in the future.

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